In our day-to-day life as professionals we come across many obstacles.
Obstacles of different types.
Some of us encounter jealous colleagues.
Some of us have nagging bosses.
In order to succeed we need to take all such obstacles in our strides and stay on our path towards our goal. We need to focus on our goal. We need to develop a trait called “determination” to help us in our journey.
Determination makes up for the lack of many other qualities, which we do not possess. As human beings none of us are perfect.
We need to identify our core competencies and work on them, so also we need to target our weaknesses and work hard to reduce their negativity on our approach if not eliminate them out totally.
Reading this article is very easy as all you need to do is to briskly run through the words that I have put down. Remember it took me a long time to pen this article for you. I spent a long time on my couch going through the notes I made over a period of time. I woke up at 5.10 am for the past three days in order to find a logical way of putting down my thoughts for you to read and all through my journey from the time the idea germinated in my mind to the actual execution it was “determination” that guided me the way through the pathways of work to the end.
The golden rule is “never give up” once you have made up your mind.
Going from one level to another causes pain.
Pain is both physical and physcological.
We need to be cautious as going from one level to another costs something and we need to bear that little something.
It is said that there is no gain without pain.
The difference between success and failure is wafer thin and it is the right proportion of “determination” to succeed that distinguishes between the winners and losers.
Winners don’t like to do stuff so also losers don’t like to do stuff.
But winners just do stuff and get on with life in spite of their personal dislike.
This is the difference and it is determination that drives this spirit.
Winners put in more than 100% always and thus succeed.
It is my opinion that there is no second or third best. It is either you have got the top rung or you have lost. In our formative years our involvement in sports and competitive extracurricular activities sets the pace for determination.
More the involvement the more is the chance that we would bring in the competitive nature with us in whatever we do.
Just the other day while shopping at a mall I heard a child yelling out at her parents. I was astonished at what she said to her parents. She said either you love me or you don’t, if you love me then you surely will buy me this doll. The doll was an expensive one and it really must not have been affordable for the parents. That’s a different story all together. We need to really understand is that the child was determined to get the doll and she decided to give her best shot by using the strong tool called “love”. Morally I don’t vouch for the child’s behavior but aren’t we all children? At times it is really confusing as to what we call determination.
To have determination we need to have a strong mind and to have a strong mind we need to have a healthy body. We all know that body follows the mind. Hence mind is the temple of determination. The thought of determination by itself is inert if it is not backed up by strong levels of energy generated by our “prana” which is the link between our body and mind.
Don’t we at some time in our life visit a close relative or a friend or an acquaintance and be awe struck by their huge mansion with expensive rugs, artistic paintings of snob value, modern furniture, modular kitchen. When we closely look at most of these homes we find that the items by themselves are really very exquisite in taste but as a whole there seems that some of the items are out of place and the house now looks unorganized.
In comparison some other homes we visit are simple in their furniture and are really pleasing to look at, as there is an element of symmetry and simplicity about them. Our minds too are such. We need to arrange our thoughts such that they are logical and can be worked upon. If there is a clutter of thoughts, ideologies and theories then we will not be able to deliver even though we are determined to achieve our goals.
To complete this article on determination one last area we need to work on in “getting into the zone”. “Zone” is the state of mind where we are in a different plane all together. To explain the concept of “zone” let us consider an inform cricket batsman. An inform cricket batsman who has set into the game will see the ball as big as a football. His eye too has set in and he will drive, pull, sweep, square cut with elegance. He is totally focused on amassing runs for himself and his team. We often see on the television during live coverage that the batsman at the non-striker’s end walks up to the batsman and mutters something for which the usual response is a nod of the head. Do you really think that the batsman is aware of what is said to him? If your response is yes then you are sadly mistaken. The batsman has conditioned himself to receiving praises and what ever the non- striker says falls on his deaf ears and he continues his game in a determined fashion to accumulate runs.