Tuesday, January 22, 2008


It is critical for your people to feel you connect with them on more than a professional level, and before I get you concerned about what’s appropriate, let me explain. Every good manager knows employees want to feel valued. Many management courses teach the importance of ‘knowing you people’. What’s important to your people? What motivates them outside the workplace? Is it a desire to their children get into a good college? To finish a couse ? What excites and motivates your people?
This is the perfect time of year to find this out. To ask your people about their goals for 2008 in their own lives. What do they hope to achieve? To accomplish? Take this knowledge and let it help you to be a better manager. Let your people you know you care about them not only as employees but as people. Find a way to help them achieve these goals. A book on training?
What can you do to show your peopleyou care about the things that matter to them?